Feast of ‘Ilm/Knowledge - Oct 16, 2023

Town Halls

The Office of the Treasurer is delighted to share the participation of over 600 souls in the two virtual town halls offered in September. The goal of these gatherings was simple yet important: to explore the mission of the Nine-Year Plan, “the release of the society-building power of the Faith in ever-greater measures” in light of the current social condition of the world - the disheartening conflict and division that is impacting every level of American life. As the National Treasurer shared in his recent letter to the Bahá’í community, “Ours is the responsibility to build a system of institutions and a way of life that restores the faith, trust, and confidence lost by so many Americans and that works to advance our country toward its destiny to establish unity and peace among all the nations." The presentations shed light on the work ahead and the need to further strengthen our capacity as individual believers, as local communities, and as institutions of the Faith and the implications of all of these elements on the Funds of the Faith. 

Some of the feedback regarding these sessions included:

"Highly informative and inspirational about the progress and needs of the Faith and its institutions."

"It means a lot to me to hear our National treasurer explain how the progress of the Cause intersects with the finances of the Cause, sharing details I wasn’t aware of and stating connections that hadn’t occurred to me."

"It’s wonderful to create spaces where learning and vision can be shared among the national community In a personal way"

These interactive gatherings have been great spaces for the Friends to hear from the Office of the Treasurer and to provide questions and feedback about how they can best contribute and play their part in the work ahead. The Office of the Treasurer plans to post some of the questions and answers shared during the Town Hall sessions on the website https://bahaitreasurer.us/ in the coming weeks, and we hope to schedule Town Halls in the near future.


Donor Advised Fund

Would you like to contribute, get an immediate tax deduction, and grow your contribution tax-free? With a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), you can contribute cash and/or appreciated securities, claim a deduction for that year, and grow your contribution tax-free over a number of years. You can establish a DAF at a financial institution or qualified community foundation. Another benefit of the DAF option is a consolidated tax document with all your charitable giving.

For more information please email plannedgiving@usbnc.org, or call 847-733-3569, or log in to https://bahaitreasurer.us/planned-giving and click on Donor Advised Funds.


Online Audit System (OAS)

Audit Deadline is October 31, 2023

For more information:

Audit Support Line: 847-425-7997



Feast of Qudrat/Power - Nov 4, 2023


Feast of Mashíyyat/Will - Sept 27, 2023