Feast of Qudrat/Power - Nov 4, 2023

As of October 15th, $15.8M has been contributed towards the Bahá’í National Fund goal of $48M (For fiscal year 2023-24).

Unrestricted (not earmarked) contributions towards the National Fund goal allow for flexibility in supporting the many activities of the Faith.



“The backbone of the Fund must be the regular contributions of every believer. Even though such contributions may be small because of the poverty of the donors, large numbers of small sums combine into a mighty river that can carry along the work of the Cause. Moreover, the unity of the friends in sacrifice draws upon them the confirmations of the Blessed Beauty."  

  - Universal House of Justice, messages 1963 to 1986, p, 178

Bahá’í Fundraisers can be a wonderful way to promote Universal Participation within a community. Is your community planning a Fundraiser? Here are some questions that may assist you with consultation regarding your plans: 

Does the fundraiser:

■ Strive to create love in the hearts of the believers?

■ Build and strengthen the relationship between the believers and the institutions?

■ Uphold the dignity of the Faith?

■ Preserve the devotional aspect of giving to the Fund?

■ Remain consistent with Bahá’í principles?

■ Promote unity among believers?        

Would you like more information on guidelines and resources for planning a fundraiser? Look for a new “Fundraising” section coming soon to the Office of the Treasurer Website: https://bahaitreasurer.us/


Look for information on an upcoming Virtual National Fundraiser for the National Fund


National Archives - Update

The National Archives includes many precious items, including historic papers and even gifts from ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi, such as the original copy of the Tablet of Ahmad gifted from Shoghi Effendi to the Temple when it was opened. Previously, the National Spiritual Assembly initiated a project to reconstruct the old publishing trust building and create a new permanent National Archives in order to create a more befitting and more protective location to house all these precious items and to keep them safe for the next thousand years so that Bahá’ís could visit them and researchers and scholars would be able to study the original papers or tablets. In developing the plans for the building, it was discovered that the structure was too narrow to accommodate the required preservation equipment. The amount of space needed for the equipment and the cost of the modifications needed to the building has made it impracticable to move forward with the original plans. 

In consultation with the Universal House of Justice, the National Spiritual Assembly has decided to put the bulk of the easily preserved archive items in a nearby building for now and to keep an archive unit in the Temple itself so that for conventions, meetings, and for visitors and researchers, some items are readily available and easily accessible. Meanwhile, search will continue for an adequate permanent home for the archives. We will continue to update the community on the progress of these plans.


Online Audit System (OAS)

Reminder: Audit Submission Deadline is October 31, 2023

The Office of the Treasurer is pleased to announce the release of the Online Audit System Version 1.1, which includes additional features and benefits.

For more information:

Audit Support Line: 847-425-7997



Feast of Qawl/Speech- Nov 23, 2023


Feast of ‘Ilm/Knowledge - Oct 16, 2023