Feast of Mashíyyat/Will - Sept 27, 2023

Unit Convention National Treasurer's Message & Fund Updates

Unit Convention Issue

As the Friends are gathering for the Unit Convention this coming weekend, the Office of the Treasurer is pleased to share a special edition of the Bahá’í Fund Bulletin, highlighting some of the announcements and updates related to the Fund that will be shared at those gatherings.

In addition to the vital task of electing delegates, the unit conventions provide us with a wonderful opportunity to consult about the tasks and opportunities that stand before us. As the National Treasurer shared in his recent letter to the Bahá’í community, “Releasing the “society-building power of the Faith in ever-greater measures” is the mission and single aim of the Nine Year Plan, and indeed, of the series of global Plans that will conclude at Ridvan 2046. And ours is the privilege to work with every willing soul to reconstruct the broken foundation of American society in the light of Divine Teachings. Ours is the responsibility to build a system of institutions and a way of life that restores the faith, trust, and confidence lost by so many Americans and that works to advance our country toward its destiny to establish unity and peace among all the nations."

A copy of the full Unit Convention Fund Brochure which also includes this letter in its entirety is also available below for download.

Download Unit Convention Brochure

Download Persian Translation Unit Convention Brochure


Online Town Hall with the National Treasurer

Please join the Office of the Treasurer for a Community Town Hall with the National Treasurer, Dr. Robert C. Henderson. This virtual town hall will provide the Friends an opportunity to hear updates on the ongoing work of the Nine-Year Plan and the impact of Funds of the Faith on this work. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. All are welcome!

If you would like to join a town hall, please click on the dates below to register:

Tuesday, September 26 at 12:00pm CT

Thursday, September 28 at 7pm CT


Overview of the Persian Bahá’í Media Service (BMS) Celebration and Fundraiser

Over 300 beautiful souls from all backgrounds and communities across the country gathered online to learn about this important initiative and provide support for its ongoing operations, which provides a steady flow of informative programming through radio, television, podcasts, and social media platforms. Their generosity and sacrifice resulted in contributions of just over $370,000 thus far, with about $30K toward the unrestricted National Fund and another $340K toward the annual goal of $1.5 million needed by Persian BMS to continue sharing the healing message of Bahá’u’lláh with the communities in the Cradle of the Faith.

A portion of a video that provides an example of the type of programming Persian BMS offers was shared with Friends who attended the September 2, 2023 celebration. Please click on the link below to view: https://persianbahaimedia.org/?p=100156

Below are just two examples of the many wonderful comments that continue to come through the Persian BMS social media platforms: 

با سپاس از شما من تازه وارد آیین بهایی شدم و به دنبال حقیقت هستم و تا اینجایی که دست گیرم شده آیین بهایی یعنی انسانیت.

امیدوارم روزی من هم بتونم به جامعه ام و آیین بهایی در راه حقیقت کاری انجام بدم. 

Translation: I have recently become a Baha'i and am investigating the truth. As far as I understand, the essence of the Baha'i Faith is how to become a genuine human being. Therefore, I hope that one day I do something for my community, the Baha'i Faith, and the path of truth. 

با سپاس، به امید روزی که برنامه های خوبتون بر همه تاثیر بگذاره و ابتدا جامعه ایرانی به آرامش و صلح برسه و بتونن به صلح جهانی کمک کنند که کل دنیا در صلح و آرامش زندگی کنن. 

Translation: With much appreciation, I wish and pray for the day that your noble programs affect everyone and that the Iranian community reaches peace and tranquility. So they can contribute to the world's stability, and all human beings can live in peace and harmony. 

Please Note: Persian Bahá’í Media Service is an agency of the National Spiritual Assembly. The privilege of supporting this path of service is given to all American Bahá’ís by the Universal House of Justice, and contributions made toward this initiative are a part of our National Bahá’í Fund goal of $48M. To contribute toward this fundraiser, please visit: bit.ly/3L699V0


Online Audit System (OAS)

We are pleased to announce that the new Online Audit System has been operational since August 21, 2023. We invite you to explore this new, easy-to-use tool for the preparation and submission of your Assembly’s annual audits. For more information regarding guidelines and for various resources, educational offerings, and support by the Office of the Treasurer, please visit our website: https://bahaitreasurer.us/audit 


Feast of ‘Ilm/Knowledge - Oct 16, 2023


Feast of ‘Izzat/Might - Sept 8, 2023