Treasurer Tools

As Bahá’í communities mature and work to realize Bahá’u’lláh’s vision, the role of the community treasurer becomes increasingly important. We hope all treasurers, both seasoned and new, find the guidelines and resources on this page helpful.

Treasurers have two main responsibilities: Fund Education and Financial Stewardship. The Local Spiritual Assembly and the Treasurer are responsible for educating the Bahá’í community about the Funds and fostering a personal relationship with each Fund. Treasurers manage the Funds spiritually and financially, guided by Bahá’í writings. For those new to the role, a checklist can be very useful. It is recommended that both new and veteran treasurers review the Treasurer Basics checklist to ensure their Assembly’s treasury functions are in order.

Financial Guidelines & Resources

Financial Stewardship includes receiving and recording funds, budgeting for the year, adhering to expenditure policies, maintaining proper records and understanding the audit process to protect those involved with the custodianship of the Bahá’í Funds. At this point it should be pointed out that our Baha’i communities are not necessarily immune from habits considered contrary to the spirit of our Faith. Especially in matters of the funds of the Faith, those in custodianship have to be particularly vigilant lest even a perception of misuse of the funds be entertained. This excerpt below by The Universal House of Justice assists to elaborate this point:

“It should hold regular meetings and ensure that all its members are currently informed of the activities of the Assembly, that its Secretary carries out his duties, and its Treasurer holds and disburses the funds of the Faith to its satisfaction, keeping proper accounts and issuing receipts for all contributions.”

—The Universal House of Justice, letter dated 30 July 1972, Lights of Guidance, no. 167

Contact us

Office of the Treasurer Business Hours:

Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Central Time

Phone: 847–733–3472


Text: 847–733–3472 and in the message box write “Treasurer”.

Have questions? After signing up, text 847–733–3472 and in the message box write your question.

Mail: Bahá’í National Center
1233 Central Street
Evanston, IL 60201-1611