The New Online Audit System
Attention Assembly Members: The Assembly is required to elect two members of the community (excluding the Treasurer) to complete an Audit once a year, If your audit has not been submitted yet, please email to notify the Office of the Treasurer of the reason and request an extension.
We recommend that the Treasurer balance out the books every nineteen days to ensure an easy audit.
Training Resources by Roles & Tasks
LSA Secretary/Audit Coord.
LSA Member
Tutorial for the new document Repository
Online Audit System Links
Online Audit System Login
User Guide
Training Video
Key Steps
Questions & Answers
Required & Optional Documents for Audit Submission
Downloadable documents for audits prepared outside of the online audit system.
Audit Benchmark
Benchmark used to obtain reasonable assurance that an audit does not detect any material misstatement that can significantly impact the usability of financial statements.
Audit Worksheet
An audit worksheet is intended to guarantee a spreadsheet that plays out the manner in which it was worked. For PDFs , either download the file before making edits to the form or make edits within your browser and print directly.
Statement of Audit of LSA
This is a financial statement that provides information about financial position and performance. This information is used in making economic decisions.
The New Online Audit System Updates
Every Local Spiritual Assembly is required to complete an audit once a year. The Office of the Treasurer is excited to announce the launch of a new online tool for the audit process and submission. For more information regarding the new process, guidelines and various resources, educational offerings, and support by the Office of the Treasurer, please attend one of the upcoming webinars. All Assembly members and any appointed or potential auditors are encouraged to attend.
To Local Spiritual Assemblies
June 27, 2023
Dear Friends,
The Office of the Treasurer is very pleased to announce the launch of The Online Audit System – OAS. The National Spiritual Assembly does require each Local Spiritual Assembly to conduct an audit of its financial records every Fiscal year. This program will enable auditors to complete and submit the entire audit online for submission to The Office of the Treasurer.
As we commence the second year of the Nine-Year plan and with a vision to the future, the need for further streamlining of processes and systems is increasingly evident. The Online Audit System will serve as a very timely and invaluable tool in facilitating the processes of data submission, retention, and analysis. It will provide a further improved data platform and more efficient record-keeping capabilities. Additionally, the new audit process will significantly enhance compliance with fiduciary requirements at the national and local levels.
The projected release period for OAS is Summer 2023. The Office of The Treasurer will be conducting multiple Webinars and Treasurer’s Orientation sessions to guide and train communities in the use of this new system. For further facilitation, User Guides, Videos, and an FAQ module will also be available online for future reference. Specific information regarding sessions and reference materials will be communicated in the coming weeks.
In order to ensure a smooth transition to this new system, we encourage all Local Spiritual Assemblies to select their auditors with minimal delay as they would be interfacing with this new system and therefore benefit from participating in Webinars, etc. In consideration of this new system for audit preparation and submission, the due date for the annual audit for Fiscal Year ending on April 30, 2023, will be postponed to October 31, 2023.
This project is the culmination of the labor and efforts of a dedicated and diligent team in furthering efficiency and modernization of data systems and processes. We are very excited about the possibilities that this new program offers and encourage localities to benefit from its use in preparing and submitting their audits. We look forward to collaborating with you on its successful introduction and implementation. We are confident of its effectiveness and ask for your cooperation and alliance in our joint efforts in His service.
With loving Bahá’í greetings,
Office of the Treasurer
August 18, 2023
Dear Friends,
We bring you loving greetings from the Office of the Treasurer, and exciting news regarding the launch of the new Online Audit System which is going live on Monday August 21, 2023.
The House of Justice has long emphasized the importance of the development of financial administration as essential to our progress and a core element of gaining the trust and confidence of the greater society.
In a letter of March 7th, 2004, the Supreme Body explained that “... a great measure of the success of the Cause in the world depends on the ability of its institutions to put in place a system of financial administration that ensures efficiency, transparency, and accountability....”
The Office for the Development of Administrative Systems elaborated on this theme, noting:
“In every country, the financial system, like any Bahá'í undertaking, must be characterized by rectitude of conduct and such qualities as justice, equity, truthfulness, honesty, fair- mindedness, reliability, and trustworthiness. The House of Justice called upon ‘the coordinators of every training institute, the members of every Area Teaching Committee, every Auxiliary Board member and every one of his or her assistants, and all members of every local, regional and national Bahá'í body, whether elected or appointed" to set the’ highest standards of honesty and trustworthiness.”
The Local Spiritual Assemblies will need to exhibit sound, efficient, and transparent financial management to instill confidence in the Bahá’í communities. It is the responsibility of every Local Spiritual Assembly to complete the annual audit as this process is critical to building confidence in the community. To assist your Assemblies, the National Spiritual Assembly through its Office of the Treasurer, has developed the Online Audit System (OAS) which will go live on August 21, 2023.
We are confident that the new OAS will facilitate, accelerate, and streamline the process of audit preparation and submission. You will find the online audit report requires the same information as those prepared in the past. Attached to this letter is an addendum sharing further information on OAS as well as links to various resources including information on upcoming webinars. The staff at the Office of the Treasurer is prepared and eager to provide guidance and assistance to the Friends in using OAS.
Partners and coworkers, as we witness the growth and advancement of our Beloved Faith, we are steadily reminded of the necessity of sound financial management and oversight. Local Spiritual Assemblies, as nascent Houses of Justice, are tasked with the responsibility of transparent stewardship of the funds which represent the sacred contributions of the Friends. The Office of the Treasurer believes you will love this system when you see how it assists you in ensuring efficiency, transparency, and accountability in your financial management.
With loving greetings,
The Office of the Treasurer
For Audit Questions Contact us:
Phone: 847-425-7997
Mail: Bahá’í National Center
1233 Central Street
Evanston, IL 60201-1611