Feast of Núr/Light - June 5, 2023

Heart balloons in the sky

Feast of Núr/Light

On April 28th, with a few days left during the Festival of Ridván, it was with great delight that we informed the American Bahá’í Friends that the National Fund Goal had been met! By April 30th, $46.2M had been contributed! The level of commitment demonstrated by the American believers in spite of the economic challenge facing our Nation has been a source of inspiration as well as a noteworthy confirmation.

Throughout the year, many notes with stories of love and sacrifice reached the Office of the Treasurer from the community. These stories reflected a community of friends whose love for Bahá’u’lláh is strong - with an “expansive view” - a capacity described by the Supreme Body as an ability to see how the full spectrum of current activities will, in time, have a vital and lasting impact on the transformation of society. Below are a few examples of the notes we received with contributions from the Friends:

“Please accept this contribution of $.... For the National Fund. Although I heard your appeal for funds months ago, I kept thinking someone else or many someone elses would take care of it. Please accept my apology for (my) inaction. With this gift, I honor both my mother, ... and father, ... each of who resides in the Spiritual Kingdom. They are of the Christian Faith and taught me to love God.

With Gratitude to you and (your) fellow staff for all the efforts you exert to assist us...”


“It continues to fill our hearts with joy to be able to contribute to the Bahá’í Fund. The Faith has conferred so many blessings on us over the last 40 years. These include filling our lives with a sense of purpose as those around us are distracted and confused. The teachings of Bahá’u’lláh have deepened our love and respect for each other, our family, and for everyone we meet.

We are profoundly grateful.”

This is the spirit animating the community of the Greatest Name in America. The work of transforming society will rely on your “sincere and devoted” hearts, who are “striving to live lives shaped by the Teachings of Bahá’u’lláh and to proffer the life-giving waters of His Revelation to a world that is sore athirst. For this year (2023-24), the National Spiritual Assembly has set the National Fund goal for this year at $48 million. Reaching the material needs of the work that is now underway across the Bahá’í World is equal to the current needs of every member of our Nation that longs for change. As demonstrated this past year, it is hoped that the Bahá’í Friends will arise with steadfast generosity, as a community, to meet the new goal. 


New Online Audit System - Details Coming Soon


Feast of Rahmat/Mercy - June 24, 2023


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