Feast of ‘Azamat/Grandeur - May 17, 2023

National Fund Goal Achieved

On April 28th, with a few days left during the Festival of Ridván, the National Assembly sent this special Message to the Friends:

Dear Bahá’í Friends,

Your National Spiritual Assembly is in the Holy Land along with Assemblies from 176 countries and Continental Counsellors from all over the world. Tomorrow morning we cast our ballots to elect the members of the Universal House of Justice. For the past few days, we have been visiting the Holy places and praying in the Shrines for the progress of your efforts, the strength of your institutions, and the happiness and well-being of you and your families. This afternoon we received the news that contributions to the Bahá’í National Fund had reached the goal of $45M.

We are overwhelmed with gratitude and admiration for your devotion and your sacrificial efforts to accelerate the work of the Nine Year Plan.

Our love and prayers are with you every day.

With loving Bahá'í greetings,



Robert C. Henderson


Click here for a PDF copy of the letter above

Click here for a PDF copy of the Persian translation

As story after story of generosity, sacrifice, and unified effort reach us here at the Office of the Treasurer, we continue to be heartened and inspired. These stories remind us that achieving the goal of the National Bahá’í Fund was not only a material victory, but it was truly a spiritual victory for every member of the American Bahá’í Community. Below is one of the stories that was shared with us:

As I walked into our small celebration for the 9th day of Ridván that Saturday, the Secretary of our community greeted me with a most radiant smile – “Isn’t it just so wonderful! We made the goal! We made it.” The joy and love that emanated from her immediately gave new meaning to the achievement of the goal of the National Bahá’í Fund, which had just occurred the day right before the Celebration. Just then, another dear soul who had joined our community’s Ridván celebration from a neighboring community chimed in – “Of course we made it. I knew we would. We had to. I said the prayer for the Fund every single day this month. Every single day.” The immense power and beauty of Universal Participation had never been more clear and evident than it was in that very moment.

To stay up to date, visit the new pages of the Office of the Treasurer website at: bahaitreasurer.us.


Feast of Núr/Light - June 5, 2023


Feast of Jamál/Beauty - April 28, 2023