Feast of Rahmat/Mercy - June 24, 2023

Towards the grand vision of the Nine-Year Plan

For the month of Rahmat, we are sharing the Feast message from our National Treasurer to the Community. The letter offers reflections on what the Spirit of Faith has made evident through every believer’s efforts so far. These proofs were witnessed by the National Spiritual Assembly at the recent Bahá’í International Convention. 

We are sharing the message here as well for your reflection and consideration as we all continue the work of advancing the grand vision of the the Nine-Year Plan: 

Dear Bahá’í Friends, 

The fragrance of the Holy Land and the experience of the Bahá’í International Convention still dominate our hearts. There, we witnessed the astonishing growth of the Bahá’í World. One hundred and seventy-six National Spiritual Assemblies gathered to elect the Universal House of Justice. Communities founded, in most cases, by pioneers inspired by the vision of the Divine Plan, with little by way of resources or help, who are now striking examples of the power of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s “grand design for the spiritual conquest of the planet.”

They now represent virtually every people on earth, and in them one can see the fulfillment of the biblical prophecy of the ascendency of the meek, united with one heart, with the Name of God stamped on their foreheads. They, like you, are the treasures of the earth promised to Bahá’u’lláh in the Syáh-Chál, who will be the instruments of the triumph of His Faith, bringing new life to beleaguered souls in every land.

The stories they told in the consultations of the Convention gave ample evidence that the past series of Plans have equipped the global Bahá’í community with an “undreamt of capacity to learn and grow” and positioned the friends for the mission of “releasing the society-building powers of the Faith in ever greater measures.”

Ours is the privilege to stand with them in the grand enterprise of the Nine Year Plan, working to revitalize the “inner life and social environment” of our country and the world.

To sustain our efforts, your National Spiritual Assembly has set a goal of $48 million of unrestricted contributions for the Bahá’í National Fund. These funds will help us meet the essential and fast growing domestic, continental, and international obligations of the American Bahá’í Community.

At the Sacred Shrines, we offered prayers of gratitude for your devoted efforts, the strength of your institutions, and the happiness and well-being of you and your families. We departed full of confidence that He is the “prayer hearing, prayer answering God.” Our love, our prayers are with you every day.

With loving Bahá’í greetings,




Robert C. Henderson



Feast of Kalimát/Words - July 13, 2023


Feast of Núr/Light - June 5, 2023