Feast of Jamál/Beauty - April 28, 2023

The Love that Binds Campaign Update

On March 17, the Office of the Treasurer reached out to every Local Spiritual Assembly and Registered Group around the country, encouraging everyone to reflect on the spiritual condition of America, the mission of the Nine-Year Plan, and its spiritual and material requirements. The Friends were reminded about the National Assembly’s message, which called attention to the “spasms of conflict and division” that are influencing every sector of American life, and the sharp contrast with the vision of America’s destiny so clearly stated in the Bahá’í Writings and the bold vision laid out in the Nine Year Plan.

We asked every Local Assembly to encourage the Friends to participate universally in support of the National Fund goal, to pray for its achievement, and to initiate fund-raising activities of whatever kind to help in this effort. Since then, we have been delighted and awestruck by the beautiful response of this Community! Many stories of devotion, generosity, sacrifice, and pure joy have reached our Office, illustrating many efforts of Friends who have arisen to the task of achieving the goal. Since March 17th, these generous efforts have brought in over $8M, bringing us closer to the goal, with just $700k left to reach it!

Below is one of the many wonderful stories we have received. 

One of the children in our community heard the treasurer's report about the National Fund being behind on their goal. She decided that she wanted to help by putting on a fundraiser. She asked her children's class teachers for help, and with their support, she hosted her first fundraiser during our Annual Election Potluck tonight. By selling bags of popcorn, cookies, and cupcakes she raised …. to donate to the National Fund.”


Feast of ‘Azamat/Grandeur - May 17, 2023


Feast of Jalál/Glory - April 9, 2023