Feast of Jalál/Glory - April 9, 2023

The Love that Binds Campaign Update

The spirit with which the American Bahá’í community has responded to the financial needs of the Faith, in spite of economic instability which continues to grip the country, has been nothing short of inspirational. The level of resilience shown through the efforts of the Friends cannot be overstated as it shows a high level of commitment to the transformative Vision of the Nine-Year Plan and the beautiful future that lies ahead. 

The Office of the Treasurer also notes with delight the participation of 935-plus souls in the two virtual town halls offered in March as part of the “Love that Binds: raising vibrant communities” Campaign. The first of these gatherings was held toward the end of the Fasting season, on the 18th of March, and the second was held on March 28th. The goal of these gatherings was very simple, yet important: to explore the mission of the Nine-Year Plan, “The release of the society-building power of the Faith in ever-greater measures,” in light of the current social condition of the world - the disheartening conflict and division that is impacting every level of American life - and to orient our focus to the hopeful vision outlined in the Bahá’í Writings about the destiny of our Nation which stands in stark contrast to prevalent views.

The presentation also shed light on the work ahead and a need to further strengthen our capacity as individual believers, as local communities, and as institutions of the Faith and the implications of all of these elements on the Funds of the Faith. 

Some of the comments from the first session included:

“Alláh-u-Abhá Dear Ones, thank you for this lovely forum. Our Assembly has been reflecting about the Vision of the Fund which can help to release the society-building power of the Faith…”

“Thank you SO much for this uplifting and encouraging presentation….”

These gatherings have proven to be great spaces for the Friends to hear from the Office of the Treasurer, and ask their earnest questions about how they can best contribute, and play their part in the work ahead. 


Feast of Jamál/Beauty - April 28, 2023


Feast of Bahá/Splendour - March 21, 2023