Feast of ‘Alá/Loftiness - March 2, 2023

The Love that Binds: Raising Vibrant Communities

Dear friends,

The Office of the Treasurer greets you with hearts filled with joy and gratitude! It has been inspiring to see how the American Bahá’í Community has responded to the call to support the National Fund so far, especially in light of the economic challenges that are facing our Nation! This is a beautiful sign of the unity of this community and commitment to the focus of the Plan set in motion by the Universal House of Justice, “to raise up vibrant, outwardlooking communities…” The National Fund goal currently stands at $32M and needs $13M in unrestricted contributions to reach the $45 million goal which will assist with our Community’s domestic, continental, and international obligations.

Over the final weeks before Riḍván 2023, we invite all believers, young and old, to participate in a special universal participation campaign, “The Love That Binds: Raising Vibrant Communities”! You are genuinely invited - your prayers and contributions count! This campaign is aimed at increasing the number of contributions to the National Fund and to meet the goal!

Every week we be will sharing updates on how the Campaign is doing! Sign up for texts by simply texting the message, “bahaifund” To: (224) 414-3863 to receive weekly updates and more!


Feast of Bahá/Splendour - March 21, 2023

