Feast of Qawl/Speech - November 22, 2024

As of November 15th, $19.6M has been contributed towards the Bahá’í National Fund goal of $50M (For fiscal year 2024-25).

Unrestricted (not earmarked) contributions towards the National Fund goal allow for flexibility in supporting the many activities of the Faith. Universal Participation will be the key to achieving this victory.

*Please note: For online contributions made through OCS to be included in the 2024 calendar year they must be entered by December 31, 2024 at 11:59pm Central time. If mailing a check through the U.S. Postal Service, the envelope must be postmarked by December 31st.

Please join the Office of the Treasurer for a Community Town Hall with members of the National Spiritual Assembly: Dr. Robert C. Henderson (Treasurer) and Ms. Saphira Rameshfar. This virtual town hall will provide the Friends with updates on the ongoing work of the Nine-Year Plan and the impact of Funds of the Faith on this work, including sharing the example of the response to the National Spiritual Assembly’s 30th of September Letter in the City of the Covenant. All are welcome!

Planned Giving

There are several tax-efficient ways to support the Fund through planned giving. These options allow you to contribute while also gaining potential tax benefits.

If you’re 70½ or older, the IRA Charitable Rollover lets you donate directly from your IRA to the National Spiritual Assembly without it being taxed.

Another option is the Charitable Gift Annuity, an irrevocable gift to the National Spiritual Assembly that provides lifetime income after the age of 60, along with tax benefits.

Please visit bahaitreasurer.us/planned-giving to explore the planned giving options. For more information or to schedule a presentation for your LSA, email plannedgiving@usbnc.org or call 847-733-3569.


The Universal House of Justice, Ridván 2024

In the 30th September letter, The Nine Year Plan and the Destiny of America, the National Spiritual Assembly states, "They [Regional Bahá’í Councils] are being asked to organize special gatherings for youth. In the same spirit as the previous gatherings, these will be open to all and intended to widen the circle of those who are involved in the life of the Bahá’í community. In all of these, we will, inspired by the themes of this letter, center our thoughts on immediate action and what now needs to be done to fulfill the goals of the Nine Year Plan." It is exciting to see these gatherings being planned around the country, as the one in South Florida featured above. Contributions to the National and Regional Funds help to make these vital gatherings possible.

Youth Corner

We were delighted to receive this letter from one of the youth recently:

"I’m a youth living in California, and I work and go to school. The economy is tough these days and I am not wealthy by any means, but I still find a way to contribute what little I can to the fund. I used to think my small amount would not help the funds but once I read this quote from Bahá’u’lláh, it changed my mind.

“Nothing that existeth in the world of being hath ever been or will be worthy of mention. However, if a person be graciously favoured to offer a penny-worth -- nay even less -- in the path of God, this would in His sight be preferable and superior to all the treasures of the earth. It is for this reason that the one true God -- exalted be His glory -- hath in all His heavenly Scriptures praised those who observe His precepts and bestow their wealth for His sake.” -Bahá’u’lláh

I then realized the least I can do is sacrifice some of my spending money for the betterment of the faith and humanity. Every little amount the fund receives adds up and it does matter. I also realized to help myself to be consistent, the best way is to contribute on auto-withdrawal for monthly contributions. This helps me gain discipline and I know that I am trying to connect with Bahá’u’lláh and rise to my spiritual responsibility."

We are looking for more submissions from the youth!

Please send us your reflections and stories about the Institution of the Fund. Stories, pictures, and or videos can be sent to bahaitreasurersoffice@usbnc.org.


Local Spiritual Assemblies

Local Spiritual Assemblies may contribute to help defray the annual cost of the general liability insurance. This can be done through the Online Contribution System (OCS) as follows:

  • Select One Time Contribution from the home page

  • In the upper right corner, click on "Switch to Old Design."

  • From the drop-down menu, select “* LSA Insurance Fees” and then continue through the steps.

If you have further questions about OCS or contributions, please reach out to our team at OCSSupport@usbnc.org.

Please stay tuned in the upcoming Fund Bulletin for more information on this topic.

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Feast of Masá’il/Questions-December 11, 2024


Feast of Qudrat/Power - November 3, 2024