Feast of Masá’il/Questions-December 11, 2024

Bahá’í National Fund Update

As of December 1, 2024, $21.6M has been contributed towards the Bahá’í National Fund goal of $50M

(For fiscal year 2024-25).

Unrestricted (not earmarked) contributions towards the National Fund goal allow for flexibility in supporting the many activities of the Faith. Universal Participation will be the key to achieving this victory.

*Please note: For online contributions made through OCS to be included in the 2024 calendar year they must be entered by December 31, 2024 at 11:59 pm Central time. If mailing a check through the U.S. Postal Service, the envelope must be postmarked by December 31st.

Please join the Office of the Treasurer for a viewing of a recording from this quarter's Town Hall with members of the National Spiritual Assembly: Dr. Robert C. Henderson (Treasurer) and Ms. Saphira Rameshfar. Scheduled for Sunday, December 15, 2024, at 11:30 am Central, we will share the recording of the Town Hall where members of the National Spiritual Assembly shared insights and vignettes regarding the progress of the Nine Year Plan and the response to the National Spiritual Assembly’s 30th of September Letter in the City of the Covenant. All are welcome.

Please use the link below to register.


The Universal House of Justice, Ridván 2024


We were delighted to receive the following thoughtful reflection from one of the youth:

"Last month, I had the privilege of joining a group of young people from my community and neighboring areas in Sacramento for a meaningful exchange of ideas. Together, we explored what it means for young adults to lead a harmonious life, one that integrates spiritual and material aspirations while working in unity to contribute to the building of a new civilization. A unique and refreshing aspect of these discussions was the focus on practical challenges, particularly the material balance necessary for contributing to the Bahá'í Fund despite financial constraints. Questions such as, “How can I contribute effectively to the Fund when my future financial situation feels uncertain?” emerged, topics that are rarely addressed in similar forums. These questions not only enriched the dialogue, prompting valuable insights from those further along in their careers and lives, but also sparked innovative ideas for empowering youth and junior youth across the U.S. to navigate these very real concerns with clarity and confidence. On a personal level, as a young professional working in finance, I found this experience deeply inspiring. It challenged me to reflect on how I can better support my peers within the faith in addressing these practical issues. Looking ahead, I am convinced that expanding such workshops will foster elevated conversations among community members, deepening our collective understanding of what it truly means to be Young, Broke, and Spiritual."

Do you have a story you like to share? Please send us your reflections and stories about the Institution of the Fund or related activities. Stories, pictures, and or videos can be sent to bahaitreasurersoffice@usbnc.org.

Support the Fund with Tax-Efficient Planned Giving

You can support the Fund while also enjoying potential tax benefits.

Here are two effective ways to give:


  • Donor Advised Fund (DAF): A DAF allows you to donate cash or appreciated assets, claim a tax deduction in the year you contribute, and let your donation grow tax-free. You’ll also receive a single, simplified tax document for all your charitable giving. DAFs can be established through financial institutions or community foundations.

  • Appreciated Securities: If you’ve held securities for over a year, you can donate them directly to the National Spiritual Assembly. This option offers significant tax advantages, such as avoiding capital gains taxes and receiving a charitable deduction.


To learn more about planned giving or to arrange a presentation through your Local Spiritual Assembly, visit bahaitreasurer.us/planned-giving, email plannedgiving@usbnc.org, or call 847-733-3569.

 Share with your community

Download the Bahá’í Fund Bulletin


Feast of Sharaf/Honour - December 30, 2024


Feast of Qawl/Speech - November 22, 2024