‘Alá’ /Loftiness - March 1, 2024

As we celebrate the joyous festival of Ayyám-i-Há, let us reflect on how service to mankind can create glimmers of hope - a hope born from the understanding that even the smallest of actions can ignite a spark of transformation. Ayyám-i-Há is a special time, a time outside of time itself. It is a time for spiritual rejuvenation, a time of unity and joyous celebration, a time for acts of service, prayer, and love. Though conflict seems to touch many facets of global life, during these blessed days of Ayyám-i-Há and beyond, we can dedicate ourselves to deepening our spiritual understanding and nurturing virtues such as love, compassion, and service. 

Whether we commemorate Ayyám-i-Há through moments of meditation and prayer, gift giving, acts of service and kindness, and/or material contributions to the Funds of the Faith, we can do so while reflecting on the words of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, “Raise ye a banner on the highest peaks of the world, a flag of God’s favor to ripple and wave in the wind of His grace; plant ye a tree in the field of life, amid the roses of this visible world, that will yield a fruitage fresh and sweet.

During these special days, you can also commemorate the memory of loved ones and/or give special gifts of love in honor of family members and friends through the In Honor & In Memory Program. This program is available through the Office of the Treasurer or the Online Contribution System (OCS): https://ocs.bahai.us/ocs or (847)-733-3472

Happy Ayyám-i-Há from the Office of the Treasurer!

Please enjoy this 2 minute video by clicking play.

Please join the Office of the Treasurer for a Community Town Hall with the National Treasurer, Dr. Robert C. Henderson. This virtual town hall will provide the Friends an opportunity to hear updates on the ongoing work of the Nine-Year Plan and the impact of Funds of the Faith on this work. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session. All are welcome!

Are you 70 or older?

At this age, you may be interested in the IRA Charitable Rollover, which allows you to roll over a contribution from your IRA directly to the National Spiritual Assembly. This becomes available once you are 70½ or older, it is a nontaxable event, and up to $105,000 can be contributed in a single year.

For more information please email plannedgiving@usbnc.org, or call 847-733-3569, or log in to https://bahaitreasurer.us/planned-giving and click on Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Charitable Rollover.

Dear friends, As the current year is close to completion, we kindly remind those Assemblies that have not yet submitted their audits to focus on compliance with this mandate of the National Spiritual Assembly and conduct their audits to the Office of the Treasurer for fiscal year ended April 30, 2023 as soon as possible.


Bahá’í Naw-Rúz/Bahá (Splendour)-March 20, 2024


Feast of Mulk /Dominion- Feb. 7, 2024