Description of the Funds of the Faith

It is important to have a thorough understanding of the funds and encourage the Friends to build relationship with each of the funds.

In a letter to a Regional Council, the National Spiritual Assembly recently offered some guidance that may assist many believers who might have questions about the topic of unrestricted giving. Below is an excerpt from that message: 

“It is important to bear in mind that the National Assembly’s guidance on the priority of unrestricted contributions to the National Bahá’í Fund and the freedom to earmark has not changed. Over the years the Assembly noticed that earmarking had become a larger percentage of the annual contributions, leaving the unrestricted funds insufficient to meet the operating requirements of the National Assembly. As a result, the Assembly felt it was timely to remind the friends of the importance of meeting the National Fund goal with unrestricted contributions. However, the emphasis on the priority of unrestricted contributions does not alter the principle of the freedom to earmark. 

  • The National Bahá’í Fund is referred to by Shoghi Effendi as "the bedrock upon which all the activities of the Cause ultimately rest" (1) as it supports the administration and expansion of the Faith internationally, nationally, at the regional level, and at the cluster level.

  • The Regional Bahá’í Council Fund directly supports the twelve Regional Bahá’í Councils. Regional Bahá’í Councils focus on the support of the teaching work in each region, primarily through development of Regional Training Institutes and clusters, working with Local Spiritual Assemblies, and executing the plans of the National Spiritual Assembly.

Permanent Funds that Are Included in the National Fund

  • The International Bahá’í Fund directly supports the Universal House of Justice and, as Shoghi Effendi stated, "participation of individual believers, through contributions directly transmitted to the Holy Land are imperative..." (2) These funds are also used for the development of Bahá’í activities around the world.

  • The Continental Bahá’í Fund supports the protection and expansion of the Faith in each continent and subsidize the work of the International Teaching Center, the Continental Boards of Counselors, and the Auxiliary Boards and their assistants.

  • The Local Bahá’í Fund, placed under the exclusive control of the Local Spiritual Assembly for the express purpose of promoting the interests of the Cause throughout that locality. Shoghi Effendi states, “It is the sacred obligation of every conscientious and faithful servant of Bahá’u’lláh who desires to see His Cause advance, to contribute freely and generously for the increase of that fund…” (3)

Permanent Funds that Are Not Included in the National Fund

  • U.S. Bahá’í Archives Renovation Fund supports the creation of a space to more securely and safely house the precious relics, historical artifacts and fragile paper documents held in the National Spiritual Assembly’s archives, including items associated with Bahá’u’lláh and `Abdu’l-Bahá including the original Tablet of Ahmad and the original Tablets of the Divine Plan.

  • Persian Bahá’í Media Service Fund (Persian BMS) produces programs that support the community building process in Iran by developing programs that are useful for the education of those who are actively interested in the Faith, those who may wish to share it with their friends and families, and friends of the Faith who are involved in community building efforts alongside the Bahá’ís. Persian BMS broadcasts a daily radio program and two weekly television programs. It has 24-hour audio streaming available on its website and phone application, in addition to satellite service to Europe and the Middle East.

  • The Bahá’í Chair for World Peace was established in 1993 as a post and related educational program at the University of Maryland addressing societal issues that are most conducive to the emergence of unity and peace. Its mission is to address questions of international peace, social justice, human security, and equitable access to goods, services, and knowledge. This fund helps defray the operational costs for all efforts and programs of the Chair.

  • The Wilmette Institute is a center of Bahá’í learning and develops programs aimed to facilitate study and dialogue on the teaching and principles of the Faith, to help individuals and communities apply learning and advance human civilization. The Institute’s guiding principles are: • Pursuit of knowledge of the Bahá’í Faith • Application of Bahá’í teachings to current thought and problems • Appreciation of all aspects of diversity • Participation in the process of community building

  • The House of Worship Campus Reserves Fund (Wilmette, IL) was established to defray the annual costs and upkeep of the Mother Temple of the West and its campus, which currently includes the gardens and the Welcome Center.

Special Funds That Are Included in the National Fund

  • The Shrine of `Abdu’l-Bahá Fund (World Center) was announced by the Universal House of Justice in its Ridván2019 message noting that the time has come for a Shrine to be erected, of a character be fitting the unique station of `Abdu’l-Bahá which will “forever embosom those sacred remains.”

  • The International Endowment Fund (World Center Endowment Fund) in the words of the Universal House of Justice, is "for the preservation, upkeep, and security of the edifices and precincts of the Spiritual and Administrative Centers of the Faith." (4)

  • The International Temples Fund (World Center) was established by the Universal House of Justice in 2012 to support the construction of national and local Mashriqu’l-Adhkárs around the world.

  • The Bahá’í Development Fund (World Center) was established to support the Bahá’í International Development Organization, a new world-embracing institution established at the World Center. The Bahá’í International Development Organization is charged with the responsibility for the process of learning in the Bahá’í world about relief, reconstruction, and associated development efforts. The Bahá’í International Development Organization is supported by the House of Justice and both individuals and institutions may contribute to it.

  • Humanitarian Relief Fund (World Center) – Previously referred as the International Humanitarian Fund, the Universal House of Justice established this fund as part of an overall strategy for the Bahá’í community to assist countries that have experienced major natural disasters. The institutions of the Faith and the believers in all parts of the world may direct their contributions to this fund at any time.

  • Persian Relief Fund (World Center) – originally established by the National Spiritual Assembly of Iran to assist victims of persecution by the Islamic Republic, is now a subsidiary of the Bahá’í International Fund and is administered by the Universal House of Justice.

Special Funds that Are Not Included in the National Fund


1. 17 July 1937 to a National Spiritual Assembly, published in Dawn of a New Day, p. 68

2. 25 April 1951, Messages to the Baha’i World 1950-1957, p. 13-14

3. 12 March 1923 From a letter of the Guardian to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada: Bahá'í Administration, pp. 41-42

4. 12 November 2001, The Universal House of Justice, International Endowment Fund