Feast of Kamál/Perfection - Aug 1, 2023

Treasurers Welcome Webinar

Two introductory Welcome Webinars for Local Assembly Treasurers were held on June 29th with over 215 Friends attending. The webinars are designed to support Treasurers and their assistants in further enhancing and developing their capacity of trustworthy stewardship of the Funds of the Faith and educating the community about the spiritual rewards and responsibilities related to contributing to those Funds. These sessions are also structured to orient the Friends to their role and assist the Institution to gain a deeper understanding of the role in the context of the Nine-Year Plan. In previous sessions, this series would mainly focus on an overview of available tools and resources for Fund education and stewardship of the Funds. This year the focus included themes related to the teaching Plan, specifically the importance of the role of the Local Assembly, the Local Treasurer, and the strength of the Local Fund - as these two are among the key cornerstones of the administrative foundation needed to release the society-building power of the Cause of God. This first of the webinar series included a short presentation from the National Treasurer, followed by introduction of some of the materials and resources available to treasurers for organizing the work ahead, and an opportunity to ask questions. 

The Office of the Treasurer is looking at expanding the training for treasurers through offering additional sessions in the coming months to allow for continued learning and collaboration with the office, as well as with other local assemblies, and a more in-depth look at topics such as fund education, budgeting, and audits. 

Local Spiritual Assembly Audits

The Office of the Treasurer will be sharing additional information soon regarding the new OAS – Online Audit System. As a reminder, the deadline for submission of the annual audit has been extended to October 31, 2023.

Friends are encouraged to use the links below to access The User Guide & User Video in becoming familiar with the new Online Audit System.

User Guide (27 pages) Click Here

Training Video (23 minutes) Click Here

Key Steps (4 pages) Click Here

To stay informed, please join our texting for Treasurers!

Text 847–733–3472 and in the message box write “Treasurer”


Please visit https://bahaitreasurer.us/treasurer-tools


Feast of Asmá/Names - Aug 20, 2023


Feast of Kalimát/Words - July 13, 2023